Saturday, September 20, 2014

Design Problem 1A

 In this picture you see the texture of wood and the water damage from the sprinklers. This is a side panel on a commercial building, across the street from the building I work in. I noticed it as I was walking around looking for more texture, beyond my building. I like how the wood changes color, from a light faded wood to darker version of it's self. 

I was in the hospital waiting room and as I was looking at the art in the hallways, I found this. It looked like an old shroud to me, from a distance. This to was also used as a texture. In the center was a painted picture of a vine yard. What I also like about it is the horizontal brush strokes, behind the vertical brush strokes.

I'd like to believe that the teal stuff is fertilizer, I hope. I liked how bright the colors come together  ;, the fuchsia, with the bright green and the way the teal  pop's just a little. This was one of my favorite. These plants are also out side the building I work in. I know they are very common, I just cant remember their name.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Great minds in design research project:Chipp Kidd

I chose Chipp Kidd because of his jacket work in comic books. I myself, a fan girl, wanted to learn more about graphic design in the Comic Book world. I chose this picture because it shows just how strong Wonder Woman is and provide more inspiration for my Halloween costume.